Join Our Wait List NOW:
​At AELC we strongly believe every child's year of kindergarten is special, and should be treated as such. It is full of wonder and curiosity. We strive to build on this curiosity, and to promote a love of learning in meaningful experiences. We believe play is the most significant way for children to learn and we provide a stimulating program that is responsive to children’s ideas, interests, strengths and abilities. We aim to foster children's development of positive relationships with their peers and to build on their emerging independence. Our goal is to prepare children in all aspects of development so they are ready for school, and for life.
At Armadale Community Kindergarten, we are committed to:
equal access for all eligible children
meeting the needs of the local community
supporting families to meet the requirements for enrolment through the provision of information
maintaining confidentiality in relation to all information provided for enrolment
ensuring all families are welcomed and receive an effective orientation into the service.


Enrolment applications will be accepted from 18 months prior (3 year olds) or 30 months prior (4 year olds) to commencement. Please click on the button below to use the Victorian Government Starting Age Calculator (scroll down past the Quick Guide for Parents section) to help determine if your child is eligible to attend and when to apply.

Starting Age Calculator

Offers of places will be made by email from May of the year preceding attendance.
Important information for 3 year old kindergarten
Your child must be 3 years old when they start kindergarten. This means that if they are eligible based on the table above but not yet three, they need to wait until their birthday before they can attend sessions.
It is up to families of children born between January and April to decide whether to enrol their child in the year they turn 3, or the following year. Factors that might be taken into consideration include the child's social, emotional and learning development, family circumstances and preferred school starting age. Guidance can be sought from early childhood professionals such as your Maternal and Child Health Nurse, an early childhood teacher or other early childhood professional to help inform your decision.
Due to State Government funding stipulations, a second year of 3 year old kindergarten will not be available Children are expected to transition to 4 year old kindergarten the following year.
A second year of 4 year old kindergarten will only be available to children who have developmental delays in two or more key areas.
Apply for our programs using the links below:

Places are allocated on the following:
Your child must be 3 years old when they start kindergarten. This means that if they are eligible based on the table above but not yet three, they need to wait until their birthday before they can attend sessions
Children who have had siblings attend the kindergarten, provided their application is received by the last day of Term 1 in the year preceding attendance
Children who have a parent or guardian who lives, works or studies in the City of Stonnington, provided this is communicated to the Service Director by the last day of Term 1 in the year preceding attendance
All other eligible applications in the order of receipt​
Please Note: Late applications receive no preference and join the bottom of the waiting list in order of receipt.

Join Our Waitlist!

Contact us:
If you would like to know more about the programs or to arrange a tour please email administration@armadaleelc.vic.edu.au or leave a message on (03) 9509 3187.
We look forward to seeing you at our kindergarten.

3 Year-Old Programs
Kangaroo Group is a 2 day (15 hour) per week program and is fully government funded for eligible children. There are no additional fees.
Koala Group
This is a 3 day 22.5 hour enrolment. It is still State Government funded (15 hours) but a fee of $1275 per term is charged to make up the difference.

4 Year-Old Programs
Wombat Group
This is a 2 day (15 hour) per week program and is fully government funded for eligible children. There are no additional fees.
Possum Group
This is a 3 day (22.5 hour) program. While there is government funding for part of the program, there is a fee of $1275 per term to make up the difference.

Fees and schedule subject to enrolment numbers and may change accordingly
Our Fees Policy is available upon request via administration@armadaleelc.vic.edu.au
The Victorian Government's Program
In the year your child is enrolled to attend our 3 year-old or 4-year-old kindergarten program, Armadale Early Learning Centre will claim funding for your child on your behalf. The funding is a contribution towards meeting the cost of 15 hours of the 4 year-old kindergarten program and up to 15 hours of the 3 year-old kindergarten program, and is directly provided to the service.
If your child goes to a long day care service, or another kindergarten, as well as to Armadale ELC, you must tell the other service(s) that Armadale ELC will be claiming the government funding for your child. You cannot receive the benefit twice.
For more information visit the Victorian Government website.